The VI Proteomics Workshop will be held by the Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory (LNBio) at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) Campus in Campinas-SP from 4th to 5th November 2015.
The event is focused on highlighting the recent developments and state-of-the-art of Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics. It will be divided in two-day workshop and a variety of lecturers will cover a diverse array of applications and it will be informal with time for discussion and questions.
This meeting represents a training opportunity for current and future users of theLNBio´s Mass Spectrometry Facilitiy and for researchers in the area of proteomics and mass spectrometry. It also promotes the exchange of scientific information, as well as it incentives the formation of new research groups in these thematic areas.
Following the example of the previous editions, held in the last five years, the workshop also promote the exchange of new technologies, the closer relationship between Brazilian and international researchers and dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community.
This workshop does not have a registration fee, however the attendance is limited and application is required. The deadline for the applications is until August 20th. Click here to apply to the Workshop.
VI Proteomics Workshop Deadlines | |
Applications | From July 6th to August 20th |
Notification of Acceptance | August 25th |
Registration Cancelation | August 31st |
Workshop | From 4th to 5th November |
The attendees of the VI Proteomics Workshop are invited to apply to the Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP) course. This event will be held from November 6th to 10th, as a satellite event of the Proteomics Workshop. Detailed information about the Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP) course is available here.
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Christopher Overall, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Jay J. Thelen, University of Missouri, Columbia
Olga Vitek, Northeastern University, Boston
Joshua Adkins, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland
Ileana Cristea, Princeton University, Princeton
Alexey Nesvizhskii, University of Michigan, Michigan
Marcos Eberlin, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas
Graziella Ronsein, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo
Fabricio Marchini, Fiocruz, Curitiba
Daniel Pimenta, Instituto Butantan, São Paulo
Eric Deutsch, Institute for System Biology, Seattle
Ulrike Kusebauch, Institute for System Biology, Seattle
Michael Hoopmann, Institute for System Biology, Seattle
Preliminary Agenda
November 4, 2015 – Tutorial Lectures | |
7:50-8:00 | Welcome |
8:00-8:40 | Christopher Overall, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver |
8:50-9:30 | Marcos Eberlin, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas |
9:40-10:20 | Eric Deutsch, Institute for System Biology, Seattle |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00-11:40 | Joshua Adkins, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland |
11:50-12:30 | Jay J. Thelen, University of Missouri, Columbia |
12:40-2:00 | Lunch |
2:00-2:40 | Graziella Ronsein, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo |
2:50-3:30 | Ulrike Kusebauch, Institute for System Biology, Seattle |
3:40-4:20 | Olga Vitek, Northeastern University, Boston |
4:30-4:50 | Coffee break |
4:50-5:30 | Ileana Cristea, Princeton University, Princeton |
5:40-6:20 | Alexey Nesvizhskii, University of Michigan, Michigan |
November 5, 2015 – Advanced Lectures | |
8:00-8:40 | Ileana Cristea, Princeton University, Princeton |
8:50-9:30 | Joshua Adkins, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland |
9:40-10:20 | Alexey Nesvizhskii, University of Michigan, Michigan |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00-11:40 | Fabricio Marchini, Fiocruz, Curitiba |
11:50-12:30 | Michael Hoopmann, Institute for System Biology, Seattle |
12:40-12:50 | Felipe Lugão, Analitica, São Paulo |
12:40-2:00 | Lunch |
2:00-2:40 | Jay J. Thelen, University of Missouri, Columbia |
2:50-3:30 | Olga Vitek, Northeastern University, Boston |
3:40-4:10 | Coffee break |
4:10-4:50 | Daniel Pimenta, Instituto Butantan, São Paulo |
5:00-5:40 | Christopher Overall, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver |
5:50-6:00 | Closing remarks |
Information for participants
How to apply
- The applicant should fill the registration form that will be available on the application page;
- The registration period is from July 6th to August 20th;
- Thereafter, all the received forms will be evaluated by the organizing committee;
- On August 25th, the accepted applicants list will be published on this website and notifications of acceptance will be sent by email to the selected applicants;
- The VI Proteomics Workshop does not have a registration fee.
Selection of applicants
- Attendance is limited and registration is required;
- Registrations will be accepted based on the following selection criteria:(i) Completed Postdoctoral’s Degree;(ii) Incompleted Postdoctoral’s Degree;
(iii) Completed Doctoral’s Degree;
(iv) Incompleted Doctoral’s Degree;
(v) User of Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, LNBio
(vi) Number of published or accepted manuscripts
General Information
- The lectures are going to be held in the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory Auditorium;
- There is no grant to transport, accommodation and meals;
- There is a restaurant at the CNPEM Campus. The lunch is R$ 13,68. There are also snack options;
- The Workshops official language is English;
- The Workshop certificates are going to be available after the last talk.
- Workshop contact:
- Visit the Mass Spectrometry Facility website:
Event Location
CNPEM – National Center of Research in Energy and Materials
Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10000
Pólo II de Alta Tecnologia de Campinas
Campinas – SP – Brazil
Phone: +55 19 3512-1267
Google Maps
Workshop Accepted Applicants
ADAUTO G BARBOSA NETO | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco |
Adriana Teixeira Godoy | IQ UNICAMP |
Adriano Aquino | Unicamp |
AGENOR VALADARES SANTOS | Universidade Federal do Pará |
Alessandra Fernandes Rosa | University of São Paulo |
Alessandra Sussulini | Universidade Estadual de Campinas |
Alex Castro | Campinas State University |
Alexandre Cassago | Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials |
Aline Poersch | FMRP-USP |
Alison Felipe Alencar Chaves | Universidade Federal de São Paulo |
Alzenira de Fátima Costa | Catholic University of Brasilia |
Amanda Roque Martins | UNICAMP |
Ana Augusta Odorissi Xavier | UNICAMP |
Ana Flávia Canovas Martinez | ESALQ – USP |
Ana Karina de Oliveira | CNPEM |
Anderson SantAna | University of Campinas, Faculty of Food Engineering |
Andre S Vieira | Uncamp |
Andre Zelanis | UNIFESP |
Andrea Gutierrez Maria | FMRP-USP |
Annamaria Dória Vidotti | UNICAMP |
Antonio Carlos Aloise | Universidade Federal de São Paulo |
Ariane F B Lopes | Unicamp |
ARIANY RABELLO DA SILVA | Universidade Federal do Amazonas |
Bianca Alves Pauletti | CNPEM – LNBio |
Bruna Campos | Instituto de Química – UNICAMP |
Bruna de Araujo Lima | Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP |
Bruno Duzzi | Butantan Institute |
Bruno Sevá Pessôa | Federal University of São Paulo – UNIFESP |
Carla Grazieli Azevedo da Silva | UNICAMP |
Carlos Alberto de Carvalho Fraga | Unimontes |
Carlos G. Blanco | USP |
Carlos Henrique Grossi Sponton | Unicamp |
Carolina Bezerra Bussoli | UNESP – São José do Rio Preto |
Carolina Carneiro Soares Macedo | Piracicaba Dental School |
Carolina Moretto Carnielli | CNPEM |
Cibele Aparecida Tararam | Unicamp |
Clarice Izumi | Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto, Universidade de Sao Paulo |
Clovis Daniel Borges | CNPEM |
CRISTIANO APARECIDO CHAGAS | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco |
Cristina Tschorny Moncau | Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo – FZEA/USP |
Daniel Martins-de-Souza | Dept Biochemistry, UNICAMP |
Daniela Cajado Carvalho | Butantan Institute |
daniela campos granato | LNBIO-CNPEM |
Daniele F. O. Rocha | State University of Campinas |
Diogo Borges Lima | Fiocruz/PR |
Dione Kawamoto | Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas – USP |
Edione F Canzi | Universidade Federal do Paraná |
Eduardo B. Mofa | University of Sao Paulo – FOB |
Eduardo B. Mofa | University of Sao Paulo – FOB |
Eduardo S. Kitano | Butantan Institute |
Eliane de Oliveira Ferreira | UFRJ- Instituto de Microbiologia |
Eloiza H Tajara | School of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto |
Eric Conrad Kyle Gren | Instituto Butantan |
Ester M Pereira | Federal University of Piaui |
Fabiano Jares Contesini | CNPEM – CTBE – Lab. Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do Bioetanol |
Fernanda J. Cabral | Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas |
Fernanda M P Tonelli | UFMG |
Fernanda Munhoz dos Anjos Leal | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul |
Fernanda Salvato | UNICAMP |
Flavia Vischi Winck | CNPEM |
Gabriela Venturini | Heart Institute |
Germano Aguiar Ferreira | Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto – Universidade de São Paulo |
Giovana Mussi Polachini | Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto/FAMERP |
Hamilton Cabral | School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto/UNIVERSITY OF SAO PAULO |
Helen Julie Laure | Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/USP |
Helena P L Valassi | HCFMUSP |
Helena Passarelli Giroud Joaquim | IPq-HCFMUSP |
Iana Suly Santos Katz | Instituto Pasteur |
Jéssica Andrade Paes | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Centro de Biotecnologia |
Jose Cesar Rosa | Fac. Medicina Ribeirao Preto USP |
José Ernesto Belizario | USP |
Julia Pinheiro Chagas da Cunha | I.Butantan |
Juliana Minardi Nascimento | UNICAMP |
Juliana Mozer Sciani | Instituto Butantan |
Juliana Nunes Botelho | Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba – UNICAMP |
Juliana Silva Cassoli | UNICAMP |
Karine Marafigo De Amicis | FMUSP |
Katia Cristina Ugolini Mugnol | Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes |
Laureane N Masi | Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul |
Leticia Dias Lima Jedlica | UNIFESP |
Leydiana Duarte Fonseca | Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos – Universidade de São Paulo |
Lidiane S Franqui | CNPEM |
Lilian R. B. Mariutti | FEA-Unicamp |
Luciane Alessandra Chimetto Tonon | LNBio |
Lucilene Delazari dos Santos | CEVAP – UNESP |
Marcel Nakahira | Unicamp |
Marcia Ortiz Mayo Marques | Instituto Agronômico |
Marcia Soares Vidal | Embrapa Agrobiologia |
Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira Machado | Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru / USP |
Maria Cristina Baracat-Pereira | Universidade Federal de Viçosa |
Martha Sonobe | Instituto Butantan |
Maurício Ventura Mazzi | Uniararas/FHO |
Mirele Daiana Poleti | Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz |
Monika Coronado | Sao Paulo State University |
Nathália Siqueira Flor | Inpa\Nilton lins |
Orlene Guerra Peraza | Instituto Biologico de Sao Paulo |
Pâmela P. P. Amado | Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas USP |
Pamella Araujo Malagrino | InCor |
Patricia G Galvao | Embrapa Agrobiologia |
Paulo Mazzafera | Unicamp-IB |
Rafael Takahiro Nakajima | IBB – UNESP |
Raquel Fernanda Gerlach | FORP USP |
Rebeca Kawahara | University of São Paulo |
Regina Affonso | IPEN |
Renata Rocha de Oliveira | CNPEM |
Renato Assis Machado | Department of Oral Diagnosis |
Roberto Nepomuceno de Souza Lima | Instituto butantan |
Roberto Tadashi Kodama | Instituto Butantan |
Rodrigo Makowiecky Stuart | Grupo Boticário |
Romênia Ramos Domingues | CNPEM – LNBio |
Roseane Oliveira de Figueiredo | scientific adviser |
roseli fernandes gonçalves | USP |
Rosimeire Nunes de Oliveira | State University of Campinas-UNICAMP |
Rute A. P. e Costa | LNBio |
Sami Yokoo | LNBio/CNPEM |
Sandra Lazari Gentil | FCFRP-USP |
Sergio Luiz de Almeida Rochelle | FOP-UNICAMP |
Talita Signoreti Graziano | Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba |
Tanes Imamura de Lima | USP/Unicamp |
Tatiana Faria Watanabe | Physics Institute of São Carlos – University of São Paulo |
Tatiane De Rossi | LNBio – CNPEM |
Thais Cataldi | USP |
Thiago Belchior | ICB/USP |
Thomas M. Halder | Braskem SA |
Vanessa De Jesus Rodrigues de Paula | São Paulo Universyt |
Vitor Marcel Faça | Fac. Medicina Rib.Preto-USP |
Weliton Pedro Batiston | IQSC-USP |
Weliton Pero Batiston | IQSC-USP |
Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP) Course
November 6 – 10, 2015
LNBio, Campinas, Brazil
The Seattle Proteome Center (SPC) is pleased to offer aTrans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP) course that will focus on the use of our open-source software tools for the analysis, validation, storage and interpretation of data obtained from large-scale quantitative proteomics experiments, targeted quantitative methods, protein cross-linking experiments and comprehensive tandem mass spectrometry.
Through daily lectures and hands-on tutorials, course participants should become proficient in the use of these tools, including PeptideProphet, iProphet,ProteinProphet, ASAPRatio, and other components of the TPP. We will show how you can use Amazon Web Services cloud computing to expand your computing capacity via the TPP. There will also be instruction on conducting targeted quantitative proteomics and using SPC resources such as the SRMAtlas,SWATHAtlas, related tools, and other software packages for proteomics research.
5-day course at LNBio in Campinas, São Paulo November 6 – 10:
Cost is US$200 student | US$300 non-profit academia | US$600 industry
Registration at:
Doubts can be addressed to
TTP Accepted Applicants
First Name |
Last Name |
Company |
Jorge H | Fernandez | LQFPP-CBB-UENF |
Pâmela | Amado | Instituto de Ciência Biomédicas – USP |
Andre | Vieira | Unicamp |
Marcia | Vidal | EMBRAPA Agrobiologia |
Tiago | Mendes | UNICAMP, Instituto de Biologia, Laboratório de Parasitologia |
Jose | Lacerda | UNIFESP |
Leticia | Dias Lima Jedlicka | UNIFESP |
Giovana | Mussi Polachini | Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto/FAMERP |
Giuseppe | Bruno Neto | UNIFESP |
Eric | Gren | Instituto Butantan |
Germano | Ferreira | FMRP-USP |
Juliana | Nascimento | University of Campinas |
Weliton | Batiston | IQSC-USP |
daniela | granato | CNPEM |
Gabriela | Venturini | Heart Institute – University of São Paulo |
Eduardo Shigueo | Kitano | Butantan Institute |
Pamella | Malagrino | Heart Institute – INCOR |
Tatiane | de Rossi | CNPEM/LNBio |
Carolina | Macedo | CNPEM/LNBio |
Ana Karina | de Oliveira | CNPEM/LNBio |
Romenia | Ramos Domingues | CNPEM/LNBio |
Sami | Yokoo | CNPEM/LNBio |
Bianca | Pauletti | CNPEM / LNBio |
Adriana | Paes Leme | Laboratório Nacional de Biociências |
Rute | Costa | LNBio |
Andrezza | Gonçalves | University of São Paulo |
Carolina | Moretto Carnielli | Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (CNPEM)/ Laboratório Nac |
Clarice | Izumi | USP Ribeirao Preto |
Ester | Miranda Pereira | FADEX |
André Luis | wendt dos santos (Fapesp proc. 2012/51145-6) | University of São Paulo |
Raquel | Gerlach | USP |
Juliana | Cassoli | University of Campinas / Laboratory of Neuroproteomics |