
The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) of the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) will host the second Workshop on Synchrotron Techniques Under High Pressure (PRESSYNC), dedicated to recent advancements and prospects in high-pressure science. This two-day workshop will be held on November 4 and 5, 2024, as one of the satellite workshops of the 34th LNLS Annual Users Meeting. 

The workshop aims to bring together global leaders in high-pressure science and researchers from the Brazilian community to discuss the state of the art in high-pressure science conducted at fourth-generation synchrotrons. Researchers at different stages of their scientific careers are expected to participate, promoting connections between junior and senior researchers, and further strengthening the high-pressure community. 

The first edition of PRESSYNC was held in 2019, focusing on motivating the Brazilian high-pressure community and discussing the possibilities of experiments on the then-future extreme conditions beamline, EMA. In this second edition, with the EMA beamline now operational and scientific proposals being executed, the event will promote discussions on the advancements achieved so far and gather ideas to expand the range of high-pressure experiments at Sirius. 


Chair: Danusa do Carmo (LNLS/CNPEM)

Co-chairs: Eduardo Monteiro Granado da Silva (IFGW/UNICAMP), Haroldo Cavalcanti Pinto (EESC/USP)

  • Event Location: Available soon


Time Satellite Workshop PRESSYNC
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:10 Welcome – Organizing Committee
09:10 – 09:40 DMC/LNLS – Narcizo Souza Neto
09:40 – 10:30 Plenary (invited)
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break 
11:00 – 11:50 Plenary (invited)
11:50 – 12:15 Keynote (invited)
12:15 – 12:40 Keynote (invited)
12:40 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 14:50 Plenary (invited)
14:50 – 15:15 Keynote (invited)
15:15 – 15:40 Keynote (invited)
15:40 – 16:10 Coffee Break 
16:10 – 17:00 Plenary (invited)
17:00 – 17:25 Keynote (invited)
17:25 – 17:50 Hands on: high pressure at LCTE
Time Satelite Workshop PRESSYNC
09:00 – 09:50 Plenary (invited)
09:50 – 10:15 Keynote (invited)
10:15 – 10:40 Keynote (invited)
10:40 – 11:10 Coffee Break 
11:10 – 12:00 Plenary (invited)
12:00 – 12:25 Keynote (invited)
12:25 – 12:50 Keynote (invited)
12:50 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 14:50 Plenary (invited)
14:50 – 15:15 Keynote (invited)
15:15 – 15:40 Keynote (invited)
15:40 – 16:10 Coffee Break 
16:10 – 17:00 Plenary (invited)
17:00 – 17:25 EMA Beamline: present and future
17:25 – 17:50 Discussions and closing


  • Atomic and electronic properties of materials under pressure
  • Phase transitions and synthesis of new materials at high-pressure
  • Advances in high pressure science
  • Development of new high pressure apparatus and probes

Invited Speakers

  • Alain Polian (Sorbonne Université/UPMC, France)
  • Antonio Medina Neto (UEM, Brazil)
  • Arthur Haozhe Liu (HPSTAR, China)
  • Daniela Menegon Trichês (UFAM, Brazil)
  • Edison Zacarias da Silva (UNICAMP, Brazil)
  • Fernanda Gervasoni (UFPEL, Brazil)
  • Leticie Mendonça Ferreira (UFABC, Brazil)
  • Lisa Luhong Wang Liu (SHARPS, China)
  • Luzeli Moreira da Silva (UFMA, Brazil)
  • Maddury Somayazulu (HPCAT/APS, USA)
  • Magda Bittencourt Fontes (CBPF, Brazil)
  • Paulo de Tarso Cavalcante Freire (UFC, Brazil)
  • Rafaella Bartz Pena (USP, Brazil)
  • Renata M. M. Wentzcovitch (Columbia University, USA)
  • Rodolfo Tartaglia Souza (UNICAMP, Brazil)
  • Sakura Pascarelli (European XFEL, Germany)
  • Shanti Deemyad (University of Utah, USA)
  • Silvio Buchner (UFRGS, Brazil)
  • Vitali Prakapenka (University of Chicago, USA)
  • Waldeci Paraguassu Feio (UFPA, Brazil)

This is a satellite event to the 34th edition of the Annual Users Meeting (RAU).