SAXS Workbench, the 3rd training school for SAXS beginners will be held at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, between October 28 and 30, 2015.
The main idea of this training is to help and build up user community at SAXS1 and SAXS2 beamlines at the LNLS. The SAXS group will offer comprehensive hands-on training in synchrotron data collection and analysis for the first time synchrotron users.
In this workbench you will learn about basic principles of Small Angle X-ray Scattering and how to collect the data on SAXS1 and SAXS2. We think that this will help you strength your proposal and prepare your first experiment.
Each applicant can bring two samples of their choice for measurements.