
The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) of the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), will host from September 1-3 the Biophysics Latin America Mini-Course: In-situ SRCD, Micro-FTIR and Coherent X-Ray diffraction as new experimental tools for Molecular and Cellular Biophysics. The Mini-course will take place at Sirius located at CNPEM campus, in Campinas-SP, Brazil as a satellite event of the scientific activities of the 46th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Biophysics (SBBf)/Latin American Federation of Biophysical Societies (Lafebs) co-organized with the 51th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SBBq).

Mini-course Format

The Biophysics Latin America Mini-Course will be focused on three new techniques and beamlines available at the Sirius, the Brazilian synchrotron light source, in the format of classes and hands-on: SRCD; micro-FTIR and Coherent X-Ray Diffraction

Important Dates

Registrations From 30 May to 30 June
Notification of acceptance 8 July 18 July
Grants announcement 8 July 18 July
Biophysics Latin America Mini-Course 1-3 September
The organization of the Biophysics Latin America mini-course will issue certificates of participation, respecting a minimum of 75% attendance. Certificates will be sent online within 10 days of the event.

Notification of acceptance for participants was sent by e-mail by the organizing committe. In case of questions, contact itri@if.usp.br


Day 1 - 09/01/22

08h00 – 09h00 Arrival of students to Sirius/CNPEM and badge distribution
09h00 – 09h30 Introduction: Mateus Borba Cardoso – CNPEM
09h30 -12h30 Beamline hands-on: SRCD¹; micro-FTIR²; Coherent X-Ray Diffraction
13h30 – 17h00 Beamline hands-on: SRCD¹; micro-FTIR²; Coherent X-Ray Diffraction

¹SRCD: Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism | ²micro-FTIR: micro-Fourier Transform Infra-Red

Day 2 - 09/02/22

09h00 -12h30 Beamline hands-on: SRCD¹; micro-FTIR²; Coherent X-Ray Diffraction
13h30 – 17h00 Beamline hands-on: SRCD¹; micro-FTIR²; Coherent X-Ray Diffraction

¹SRCD: Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism | ²micro-FTIR: micro-Fourier Transform Infra-Red

Day 3 - 09/03/22

09h00 -12h30 Beamline hands-on: SRCD¹; micro-FTIR²; Coherent X-Ray Diffraction
13h30 – 17h00 Beamline hands-on: SRCD¹; micro-FTIR²; Coherent X-Ray Diffraction

¹SRCD: Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism | ²micro-FTIR: micro-Fourier Transform Infra-Red

The Techniques

SRCD: Cedro is the UV beamline of the Sirius synchrotron dedicated to electronic circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Although, lab-based spectropolarimeters are widespread, the exchange of conventional lamps by the synchrotron light increases the value of CD technique. This spectroscopy is widely recognized for providing structural information on biomolecules, especially proteins. CD signal is sensitive to protein secondary structure and conformational changes upon ligand binding, mutation, interactions, and folding/unfolding can be detected. In this mini-course, the advantages of synchrotron radiation for CD will be addressed, highlighting the applications to study biomolecules structural features.

Micro-FTIR: The Imbuia station is the new synchrotron infrared beamline of the Sirius accelerator. It is a chemical probe able to study multidisciplinary materiais at micro and nano scales. The IMBUIA-micro station is an experimental setup dedicated to IR spectral-imaging exploring classical microscopy (diffraction limited analysis). The station explores mid-IR radiation from a blackbody source and also from the synchrotron storage ring Sirius in a commercial IR spectral microscope. Therefore, this new experimental complex will serve a diversity of scientific fronts including novel energy harvesting materials, drug delivery at nanoscale, biochemistry of single cells, nanophotonic devices for light circuits and more.

Coherent X-Ray diffraction: The Cateretê beamline provides unique capabilities in biological and condensed matter imaging and dynamics experiments with particular focus on the application of coherent X-ray scattering and diffraction techniques. The beamline will make possible to answer diverse and multiple questions related to life sciences (biological and medical applications), structural biology (proteins, lipids, macromolecules) and the vast field of material sciences including nanotechnology.

Important Information

  • The mini-course is aimed to students and early career scientists enthusiastic in biophysics.
  • The organizing committee is planning a 100% on-site mini-course to promote opportunity for students to interact with researchers at the scientific environment of Sirius.
  • Due to the limitations of physical space and sanitary recommendations, the number of participants for the mini-course is limited to 24.
  • Selection of participants will be based on motivation letter, CV (Lattes or Fapesp curricular resume in case of Brazilian applicants) and information collected at the Registration Form.
  • No registration fee is required.
  • The Mini-course is sponsored by the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) that may provide partial or full grants to cover travel and accommodation in Campinas for students and young researchers from Latin America selected by the Scientific Committee according to information collected via the Application Form.
  • Travel and accommodation for the selected students and young researchers for the Mini-course will be arranged by the SBBf secretariat after the awards announcement. The participants selected  will be notified by e-mail and a list with names will be released at this website. 
  • The selected students and young researchers of the Mini-course must also participate in the SBBf/SBBq Annual Meeting in Águas de Lindóia, SP, from 05 to 08 September 2022 with poster presentation, also sponsored by IUPAB. Travel to and from Águas de Lindóia as well as accommodation will be arranged by the SBBf secretariat.
In case of questions, please contact itri@if.usp.br to get more information.
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Scientific Organizing Committee

  • Rosangela Itri (IFUSP/SBBf president) – Chair person
  • Mateus Borba Cardoso (LNLS/CNPEM)
  • Leandro Ramos Souza Barbosa (LNLS/CNPEM)
  • Juliana Sakamoto Yoneda (LNLS/CNPEM) – CEDRO beamline
  • Raul de O. Freitas (LNLS/CNPEM) – IMBUIA beamline
  • Carla Polo (LNLS/CNPEM) – Cateretê beamline

Local Organizing Committee

  • Ariane Almeida (CNPEM)
  • Amanda Kokol (CNPEM)
  • Dora Marques (CNPEM)

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