Sirius Workshop on X-ray Nanospectroscopy, Nanodiffraction and Nanoimaging (XN3)


The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) will host the first Sirius Workshop on X-ray Nanospectroscopy, Nanodiffraction and Nanoimaging (CARNAÚBA Workshop). The workshop will be held at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) campus on October 8th and 9th, 2019.

This seminal workshop will bring together the LNLS community – external users, staff scientists and engineers – and experts working in the field of X-ray spectroscopy, diffraction and imaging at leading facilities around the world to present and discuss the new scientific opportunities offered by X-ray nanoprobes with scanning energy capabilities.

The CARNAÚBA Workshop will consist of plenary and contributed talks with the participation of international and local experts:

  • Gema Martinez-Criado (ICMM, CSIC, Spain)
  • Andrew Ulvestad (Tesla Inc., USA)
  • Dean Hesterberg (NCU, USA)
  • Felix Requejo (UNLP, Argentina)
  • Paula Sucerquia (UFPE, Recife)
  • Mariana Stelling (IFRJ, Rio de Janeiro)
  • Angelo Malachias (UFMG, Belo Horizonte)
  • Lucas Rodrigues (USP, São Paulo)
  • Liane Rossi (USP, São Paulo)
  • Hudson de Carvalho (CENA-USP, Piracicaba)
  • Mateus Cardoso (LNNano-CNPEM, Campinas)
  • Hozana de Castillo (LNBio-CNPEM, Campinas)
  • Flavia Caleffo (LNLS-CNPEM, Campinas)
  • Amelie Rochet (LNLS-CNPEM, Campinas)
  • Carlos Sato B. Dias (LNLNS-CNPEM, Campinas)
  • Douglas Galante & Lara Maldanis (LNLS-CNPEM, Campinas)
  • Eduardo Miqueles & Giovanni Baraldi (LNLS-CNPEM, Campinas)
  • Hélio C. N. Tolentino (LNLS-CNPEM, Campinas)
  • Harry Westfahl Jr. (LNLS-CNPEM, Campinas)

LNLS is building a 4th generation synchrotron source, Sirius, that should be commissioned by the 2nd semester of 2019 and beginning of 2020.

The CARNAÚBA beamline will be the first Sirius X-ray nanoprobe exploring the coherence and the spatial resolution to study a wide range of materials. This instrument will offer X-rays in the 2 to 15 keV energy range, with a beam spot down to 30 nm, for multimode analysis including techniques such as: X-ray fluorescence – XRF, X-ray absorption spectroscopy – XAS, X-ray excited optical luminescence – XEOL, X-ray diffraction – XRD and ptychographic X-ray coherent diffractive imaging – ptyCDI – in small angle scattering and Bragg geometries. When coming into operation in 2020, this beamline will offer state-of-the-art research tools for nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Book of Abstracts

The Book of Abstracts is available here.

Important Dates

Registration begins: July 5th
Abstract submission period: July 5th to August 12th
Abstract acceptance August 19th
Registration ends: September 9th
Registration Fee Payment period: August 30th to September 10th
Carnaúba Workshop October 8th and 9th

Registration Fees

Registration Fees in Brazilian Reais – BRL

Undergraduate Students

Masters and Doctoral Students


R$ 100,00

R$ 150,00

R$ 220,00

Abstracts and grants

Abstracts are welcome in any of the disciplines covered by the CARNAÚBA beamline. A few abstracts will be selected as flash oral presentations.

CARNAÚBA is multidisciplinary covering a vast range of applications:

  • biology, medicine and toxicology
  • environment, geophysics and geochemistry
  • plant and soil science
  • paleontology and cultural heritage
  • energy and functional materials
  • semiconductor, photonic and magnetic materials

Students and young post-docs are eligible for financial support (up to 10). Along with the abstract, a link to the CV and a letter of recommendation of the advisor/supervisor is required for the application.

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