24th November 2017, 08:30 – 10:30

08:30 Session 1

CARNAUBA Beamline Status (Coherent X-rANAnoprobe BeAmline)

Hélio Tolentino

08:50 Session 2

CATERETE Beamline Status (Coherent And TimE REsolved ScatTEring)

Florian Meneau

09:10 Session 3

EMA Beamline Status (Extreme condition x-ray Methods of Analysis)

Narcizo Marques

09:30 Session 4

MANACA Beamline Status (MAcromolecular Micro and NAno CrystAllography)

Ana Zeri

09:50 Session 5

IPE Beamline Status (Inelastic and Photo-Electron spectroscopy)

Tulio Rocha

10:00 Session 6 

MOGNO Beamline Status (MicrO and NanO Tomography)

Nathaly Archilha