The city of Campinas, originally formed by a landing in the tracks of the Goiases Road, brings in its history a long trajectory of supplying and production of sugar and coffee, activities which added to the industry, services and technology generation, allowing the city to play a strategic role in the development of a broad region of the State of São Paulo.
Its ethnic, productive and technological diversities, presented in a varied roll of touristic attractives, urban and rural, allow us to discover an intense and rich cultural territory, in permanent transformation.
Campinas occupies an area of 801 km² and presently has a population of approximately 1 million inhabitants, distributed in four districts (Joaquim Egídio, Sousas, Barão Geraldo, and Nova Aparecida) and hundreds of quarters. Such economic and social vigor, brought in special to increase its work population, has allowed Campinas to consist as a metropolitan region of São Paulo polo, formed by 19 cities and a population of about 2.33 million inhabitants (6.31% of the State’s population).