Rules and Criteria for the Assistance Program for Participation in the 34th LNLS Annual Users Meeting (RAU)

To apply for assistance to participate in the 34th LNLS Annual Users Meeting (RAU), applicants must complete the designated fields in the registration form and attach the required documents, listed below, in PDF format. Additionally, the candidate must register for at least one of the RAU’s satellite workshops.

It is important to distinguish between applying and being awarded assistance. Those not awarded aid can still participate in the event at their own expense.

Exclusion Criteria
Candidates who fall under any of the following items will be automatically excluded from the process:

  • Holding a current research productivity scholarship from CNPq or an equivalent agency;
  • Not registering for any of the RAU satellite events;
  • Residing in the state of São Paulo or in a country outside of Latin America/Caribbean;
  • Graduate students: failing to submit a letter from their advisor.

Documents to be evaluated:

  • Extended abstract (PDF) – (this abstract will not be publicly disclosed);
  • If a master’s or doctoral student: Letter from the advisor (PDF) – (authorizing and validating participation);
  • Lattes CV/similar or attachment (PDF);
  • Justification for the assistance request (text field in the form).

Affirmative criteria such as regional background and gender may be used during the evaluation process, especially in case of tie-breakers.
The committee selecting participants may require awardees to give an oral presentation of their work.

Criteria Descriptions

Criteria Score
Extended abstract 1 – 5
Young researchers 1 – 5
Curriculum Vitae 1 – 5

For each criterion, a detailed breakdown of how scores are assigned is provided below:

Extended abstract

Score 1 2 3 4 5
Scientific Content Poor Content Regular Content Good Content Excellent Content Exceptional Content


Young researchers 

Score 1 2 3 4 5
Ph.D. completion time  More than 10 years Between 10 and 7 years Between 7 and 5 years Between 5 and 2 years Less than 2 years or not yet completed


Curriculum Vitae

Score 1 2 3 4 5
Curriculum Vitae Poor Regular Good Excellent Exceptional

Awardees may be nominated to give an oral presentation of their work.

Assistance Program

  • Transportation assistance: reimbursement for airfare, ground transportation, and mileage up to the established limit below. Participants purchase the tickets themselves and are reimbursed by CNPEM afterward.
    Note: For international participants, CNPEM’s User Office will handle ticket purchases.

Eligibility Table

Beneficiaries Eligibility
From Brazil Non-residents of the state of São Paulo
From abroad Latin America and the Caribbean

Limit values for the purchase and reimbursement of air transportation

Brazil  R$
Southeast R$ 1.000,00
South R$ 1.300,00
Central-West R$ 2.000,00
Northeast R$ 2.500,00
North R$ 3.000,00
Latin America and the Caribbean US$
Argentina (Buenos Aires) and Uruguay $ 700,00
Argentina (other regions) and other countries $ 1.000,00


Limit values for the purchase and reimbursement of ground transportation

Mileage reimbursement limit (R$) R$
Per distance traveled (km) R$ 0,75