
5th School of XAS Program 1

Parallel Session Contents (all parallel sessions include hands-on data treatment):

Session A: Athena and Artemis practical course for beginners

Session B: Review XMCD sum rules, approximations made and limits of the application, data reduction, averages, normalization, background subtraction, etc and alternatives to the sum rules application to the quantitative XMCD data analysis.

Session C: Application of absorption spectroscopy X-ray to Agri-Environmental Sciences, PCA + linear combination, Introduction to X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XRFM), PyMca Software: data analysis tool for XRFM and XAS spectra manipulation

Session D: Introduction to XEOL, How to perform a XEOL experiment?, beamlines and samples appropriated to investigate XEOL, Data analysis, Understanding a XEOL spectrum.

Session E: Introduction to Feff program, Information content in XANES, Linear combination fit, Multiple-scattering theory applied to XANES, High energy resolution XAS and XES