Check the guidelines for oral and poster presentations, as well as the list of participants, the order of Flash Talks, and the distribution of poster presentations.

Poster Presentation Guideline
  • Posters must be presented and written in English;
  • Posters must be printed 120 cm high and 90 cm wide, with strings (hangers will be available). Please bring your printed poster with you to the registration desk on the morning of the presentation day. The poster must be removed from the Sirius reception area at the end of the designed session
  • Please provide the printed poster with strings – they will be held by a tripod (See the panel structure);
  • There will be two poster sessions: the first on September 3rd and the second on September 5th, both from 4:10 PM to 5:20 PM;
  • We provide a poster template for presentations. Its use is optional.
Oral Presentation Guideline
  • Invited talks and oral contributions must be presented in English;
  • We recommend that all oral presentations, including invited talks, be prepared preferably in PDF format. Participants should arrive at the presentation room at least 30 minutes before the session begins and hand over the USB drive containing their presentation file to the multimedia operator. This will ensure a seamless transfer and preparation of your presentation for a smooth and timely session;
  • Oral: 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions for each presentation
  • Invited Talks: 35 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions for each presentation
  • Young Researcher Talks: 10 minutes (no time for questions) for each presentation
  • We provide a template for presentations. Its use is optional.
List of participants - Flash Talks and Poster Presentations
OrderFull NameTitle
1Ellen Martins FernandesThe Impact of Gaussian Gate Voltage Pulse on Quantum Entanglement in Electronic Qubits
2Jefferson XimenesObserving Parrondo’s effect in continuous-time quantum walks with non-periodic alternation
4Guilherme FonteneleElectronic response of polytypic In2Se3: a suitable semiconductor system for wide absorption devices
5Lauro BrazSuperconductivity from spin fluctuations and long-range interactions in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
6Pedro Dornelas NeivaPartial boomerang effect in the presence of a constant electric field
7Raiane AraújoCharacterization of Two-Dimensional Metallic Niobium Disulfide (NbS2) by Polarization-Resolved Second Harmonic Generation
8Saulo AlbertonRadiation Effects on Solid-State Electronics: Impacts in Space and Terrestrial Environments
9Teldo PereiraExcitonic complexes confined in lateral two-dimensional heterostructures
Poster NumberCodeTitleFull Name
1Characterization of Two-Dimensional Metallic Niobium Disulfide (NbS2) by Polarization-Resolved Second Harmonic GenerationRaiane Sodré de Araújo
24DSZThe Impact of Gaussian Gate Voltage Pulse on Quantum Entanglement in Electronic QubitsEllen Martins Fernandes
34DWAObserving Parrondo’s effect in continuous-time quantum walks with non-periodic alternationJefferson José Ximenes
44DMRElectronic response of polytypic In2Se3: a suitable semiconductor system for wide absorption devicesGuilherme Rodrigues Fontenele
64DW2Superconductivity from spin fluctuations and long-range interactions in magic-angle twisted bilayer grapheneLauro Barreto Braz
74DW6Spray pyrolysis synthesis and characterization of Zn0.05Cd0.95O/CdO heterostructureLuis M. B. da Fonseca
84DTKPartial boomerang effect in the presence of a constant electric fieldPedro Dornelas
94DQ4Radiation Effects on Solid-State Electronics: Impacts in Space and Terrestrial EnvironmentsSaulo Gabriel Alberton
104DQBEvaluation of the graphene-aptamer interaction for the development of a biosensor based on magnetoelastic wavesWenderson Rodrigues Fialho da Silva
114DNKExcitonic complexes confined in lateral two-dimensional heterostructuresTeldo A. S. Pereira
124DNMNanophotonics properties of Low-dimensional Sn3O4 nanobelts with Synchrotron Infrared Nanospectroscopy.José Romário de Sousa Lima
134DTJInvestigation of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers using CMOS-compatible field-effect-transistorsArthur Francisco Carrapato Assis
144DMJDirect observation of gramicidin channel filling through electronic HOMO-LUMO signatureJuliana Rocha Freitas
154DMMSurface structure and water intercalation analysis in phyllosilicates by Crystal Truncation Rod scatteringLuisa Vargas Freitas
164DMPScanning probe studies of local surface potential and density of states in CdTe/InGaAs nanomembranesEduarda Policarpo Magalhães Campos
174DMQOzone sensor based on SnO2 nanowiresGiovanni Lucas Palotta
184DMSEnhanced Electronic Transport Properties of Te Roll-like NanostructuresEmilson Ribeiro Viana
194DNPUnveiling Optical Properties of Low-Dimensional Sb2O3Thamires Cordeiro Soares
204DNRSemiconductor-Ferromagnetic nature of rare-earth based ferrocobaltite SmFe0.5Co0.5O3David A. L. Tellez
214DNZDetermining the number of layers on transition metal dichalcogenides samples using micro-differential reflectance on LiNbO3, quartz and sapphire substratesDaniel Schmitz Bertini
224DPAExploring the use of earth-abundant layered materials in 2D-based studies: from natural mines to van der Waals applicationsAlisson Ronieri Cadore
234DPDOptical properties of localized excitons in WSe2/β-Ga2O3José Roberto Toledo
244DQWIn situ thermal annealing of MoS2 thin films deposited by RF sputtering for spintronics applications.Andriele da Silva Vieira
254DQXLight-assisted resistive memory effect in ZnO:Na filmAna Luiza Costa Silva
264DQZBroadband terahertz generation in ZnTe and GaP for ultrafast spectroscopyAkaylane Bringel Rabelo
274DR2Optical Activity Heterogeneity in 2D/3D Perovskite Heterointerfaces and the Impact of Molecular Flexibility on Device EfficiencyCharles Alves Nogueira de Almeida
284DRATip-enhanced Raman mapping of strain and elastic energy in twisted graphene bilayer nano-foldsAngelo Malachias de Souza
294DRBTransverse-electric graphene surface plasmon polaritons on films with grating surfaceMacário Vitório Mota Rodrigues
304DREQuantum dots as an active resevoir for longer effective lifetimes in GaAs bulkGabriel Marques Jacobsen
314DRFBenchmarking optical pump terahertz probe technicque with GaAs and SiDavi Henrique Soledade da Silva
334DRKPorous silicon characterization: porosity and thickness determination via SLIMAlexandre Marciente Faria
344DRZEdge engineering of quantum spin Hall insulators from first-principle investigationsMarcelo Alejandro Toloza Sandoval
354DS2Improvements in Exciton Lifetime in Perovskite Nanowires: A Study of Temperature and Strain Effects.Everton Pereira-Andrade
364DS4Crystalized phases of the excitonic Bose-Einstein condensate in a semiconductor van der Waals heterostructureFrancico Mateus Alves Guimarães
374DSAProduction of Luminescent Nanoparticles Based on Graphite Obtained as a Byproduct of Acheson ProcessGABRIEL TOMAZ MASSARDI
384DSBStudy of Conductivity in Reduced Graphene Oxide Thin FilmsGiovanna de Almeida Aquino
394DSCShubnikov de-Haas Oscillations in 2D Topological InsulatorsOlavo Viola
404DSDHybrid organic-inorganic heterostructures based on graphene and phthalocyanine molecules to improve the sensitivity and selectivity of contaminant gas sensorsBruno da Silva Lima
414DSEDiode-like properties of Sb-doped Tellurium single crystals.Pedro V Lopes
424DVHLocalized-states Quantum Confinement Induced by Roughnessin CdMnTe/CdTe Heterostructures Grown on Si(111) SubstratesWesley Fiori
444DSTInvestigations of the photoconductivity effect in bismuth-doped Pb0.5Sn0.5Te filmsAlexsander de Souza Pires
454DSWFormation of entangled states in phonon-polaritons interacting systemCaio Matheus Fontinele dos Santos
464DSXOptoelectronic properties of multilayered 2D talc in the presence of substitutional defectsDANIEL SUAREZ LOPES
474DTMControl of a Driven Qubit-Resonator System through Optimization Methods and Neural NetworksDenys Derlian Carvalho Brito
484DTPUsing resonant inelastic x-ray scattering to study the electronic structure of semiconductorsThiago J. A. Mori
494DTROrganic Devices Based on PM6 Produced in Ambient Atmosphere with Photovoltaic EfficiencyIgor Tenório Soares
504DTSLongitudinal Spin Seebeck Effect Thermopiles Based on Flexible Co-Rich Amorphous Ribbons/Pt Thin-Film HeterostructuresAmannda Laura de Silva
514DTTStructural and electronic properties of MoS2/MoSe2lateral and vertical interfaces from DFT calculationsHorácio Wagner Leite Alves
524DTVCharacterization of Carbon Quantum Dots Produced from Carbon BlackJULIANO FERNANDES TEIXEIRA
534DTWTheoretical results for the structural and electronic properties of GaN/AlN axial heterostructure in [0001] grown nanowiresRafael Lemes Leonel
544DVXBiosensors based on single-walled carbon nanotubesRubens Elias Caram Diniz
554DVZSynthesis and investigation of the optical properties of Cs1-xRbxPbBr3perovskite microcrystalsLetícia L R Rioga
564DWBAn innovative light collection device for a Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling MicroscopeLuiz Zagonel
574DWEExploring biocidal properties of Ag-based semiconductors using high-throughput Density Functional TheoryThiago Trevizam Dorini
584DWGCoupling Electrons in Silicon Quantum Dots to a Single Ge Nuclear SpinFernanda Ribeiro Silva
594DWJMagnetic field effect on the symmetry-breaking induced chiral states in α − T3latticeJoão Pedro Gomes do Nascimento
604DWNVibrational and electronic properties of bidimensional CsPb2Br5crystalsIsadora Costa Coppo
614DWPCathodoluminescence and Photoluminescence in a Scanning Tunneling Microscopy applied to the study of semiconductor nanoparticlesWesley Kardex Cordeiro de Oliveira
624DWRTransfer-matrix method for one-dimensional quantum systems: A reviewTiago da Silva Costa
634DWTVacancy in twisted bilayer grapheneBrehmer Braga Bernardo
644DWVExcitonic Luminescence in Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayer Domes Using Scanning Tunneling MicroscopyCatalina Ruano Merchán
OrderFull NameTitle
1Adilson Barros WanderleyFitting method for band structures using k⋅p Hamiltonians and symmetry properties to obtain effective mass parameters and g-factor
3Iago PriorGrowth of epitaxial ZnS ultrathin films on Ag(111) using two different growth methodologies
4Mardonio FrançaNeural network quantum many-body state of a 1D quantum spin chains: a tomographic analysis
5Rafael CostaAssessing frustration in electronic kagome nanoribbons under strain
6Raquel BettegaPotential application of PBS as electrolyte in Organic Electrochemical Transistors
7Raul Back CampanelliTowards CsPbBr3-Based Hybrid Pixel Detectors for High-Energy X-ray Imaging
8Vinicius Cerqueira SilvaHow does the pressure of sputtering chamber affects the structural, optical, morphological and photocurrent properties of ZnO thin films
Poster NumberCodeTitleFull Name
14DXGFitting method for band structures using k⋅p Hamiltonians and symmetry properties to obtain effective mass parameters and g-factorAdilson Barros Wanderley
24DMTSurface and electronic response of β-polymorph Indium Selenide.Guilherme Rodrigues Fontenele
44DVSGrowth of epitaxial ZnS ultrathin films on Ag(111) using two different growth methodologiesIago Aédon Silva Prior
54DVVExploring Interface Phenomena in Persistent Luminescent Glass Matrix Composites via Synchrotron Light and CathodoluminescenceRoger Gomes Fernandes
64DWMNeural network quantum many-body state of a 1D quantum spin chains: a tomographic analysisMARDONIO JO CARVALHO DE FRANÇA
74DPGAssessing frustration in electronic kagome nanoribbons under strainRafael Freitas Pereira Costa
84DVMPotential application of PBS as electrolyte in Organic Electrochemical TransistorsRaquel Bettega
94DVNAnalysis of GaAs for detection of heavy ions in Nuclear PhysicsMatheus Souza Pereira
104DNGTowards CsPbBr3-Based Hybrid Pixel Detectors for High-Energy X-ray ImagingRaul Back Campanelli
114DNJStability and optoelectronic properties of two-dimensional gallium phosphideKessia L. M. Cruz
124DRNHow does the pressure of sputtering chamber affects the structural, optical, morphological and photocurrent properties of ZnO thin filmsVinícius Cerqueira Silva
134DNBPhotoassisted electrodeposition of copper micro-islands for SERS application.Pedro Augusto dos Santos Arantes
144DNCCoherent imaging under extreme conditionsLucas Atila Bernardes Marçal
154DPJTwo-dimensional layered MA2Z4van der Waals heterostructures for high-performance solar cells from first-principles calculationsRenan Lira Nunes
164DPNSize-Dependent Bandgap and Particle Size Distribution of Colloidal CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots: A New Theoretical-Experimental ApproachDiego Lourençoni Ferreira
174DPPProbing the cw-Laser Induced Fluorescence Enhancement in CsPbBr3 Nanocrystal Thin Films: An Interplay Between Photo and Thermal ActivationMarcelo Gonçalves Vivas
184DPSThe impact of thermal annealing treatment on the optical properties of β-Ga2O3crystalsYara Galvão Gobato
194DPVExploring 2D Binary Compounds of the III-V Family: Insights from First Principles Calculations and the Tight Binding MethodElisagela da S. Barboza
204DPXInvestigating Weak (Anti)Localization and Negative Magnetoresistance in Few-flake Reduced Graphene OxideMarcella Fernanda Damaceno Neves
214DPYElectrical properties of meso-PS/TiO2heterojunctions: the role of the PS thickness.Lucas Costa Leite
224DQ2Highly uncommon fluorescence phenomena in organic materialsRoberto Shigueru Nobuyasu Junior
234DQCDescription of Excitonic Absorption in Metal Tri-Halide Pervoskites using Dispersion Models, a Hydrogen-Polaron Model and First Principles.kevin lizarraga olivares
244DQGElectronic properties of multilayered Lieb, transition, and Kagome latticesTemerson Fernando Oliveira Lara
254DQHTriangular Phase of Strained Arsenene on SiC SubstrateAnderson Kenji Okazaki
264DQKThe Role of Stone-Wales defects on the Tribological Properties of Graphene BilayersJosé Arthur de Luna Oliveira
274DQNRashba effect on the optoelectronic properties of twisted multilayer anisotropic two-dimensional semicondutorsFrancisco Lucas Santos Oliveira
284DQPFotoconductivity effect on epitaxially Bi2Te3 films doped with Eu atomsMaria Alice Colorado Melo
294DQQStructural characterization and Local surface electronic response of sputtered Bi2Se3thin films grown on MgO (100) substrateGilberto Rodrigues da Silva Junior
304DQTDFT2kp: effective kp models from ab-initio dataGerson J. Ferreira
314DRPFemtosecond vacuum ultraviolet source for time-resolved ARPESJosé Otávio Rosa
324DRQDesign of spin-orbital-textures in ferromagnetic/topological insulator interfacesAugusto de Lelis Araújo
334DRRConvergence Analysis of the Density Matrix Renormalization GroupLucas Soares Sousa
344DRSPOLARIPY: A new python-based package for the calculation of surface electromagnetic wavesAna Beatriz Monteiro dos Santos
354DRTA Kinetic Study on the Laser-Induced Phase Reconstruction and Segregation in CsPbBr3-xIx Nanocrystal Thin FilmsThiago Rodrigues da Cunha
364DRVTunnelling Spectorscopy in MoO3 nanowiresLucas Polesi Trindade
374DRXTime resolved terahertz photoconductivity of photovoltaic perovskites with sub picosecond resolutionGiovanni Budroni Netto
384DT4Optimizing Organic Photovoltaic Devices: Fluorinated Donor-Acceptor Polymer Variants Based on PTB7ThRenata da Silva Cardoso
394DT6Artificial Intelligence in Electron Microscopy Images: Segmentation for Atomic-resolution AnalysisAna Luísa Carvalho Mendonça
404DTBEffect of SiO2as sintering aid in structural and optical propertiesof Ce:YAG ceramicsRaphaella Bahia Soares Cabral
414DTCMagneto Dependent Exciton-Phonon Coupling in Twisted WSe2Maria Clara Godinho de Oliveira
424DTESynthesis of D18-Based Photovoltaic Copolymers for Device Fabrication in Ambient AtmospheresLucas Galhardo Pimenta Tienne
434DTFEffect of temperature on optoelectronic properties of NiOxfor applications in perovskite solar cellsZeno de Castro Brandão
444DSJTransport fingerprints of helical edge states in fractal landscapesMarcelo Alejandro Toloza Sandoval
454DTYEmerging Technologies: Advances in the Production of Organic Photovoltaic Devices with PTQ-10 PolymerIsabela Custódio Mota
464DV2Exploring Topological Transport Properties in Pt2HgSe3NanoribbonsRafael Luiz Heleno Freire
474DV6Optical Properties and its dependence with temperature of CsPbBr3 films prepared by spin coating.Carina Cabrera Oleaurre
484DVAmicroRNA Biosensing Through the Functionalization of Semiconducting Reduced Graphene Oxide Employing an Electrolyte-gated Transistor PlatformAna Vitória Ferreira Deleigo
494DVBFabrication technique of graphene-based modulator over side-polished fiber.Rafael Coelho de Souza Silva
504DVCAtomic Composition’s Impact on TMD Alloy Properties: Theoretical and Experimental Insights into Mo1-xWxSe2Ana Carolina Ferreira de Brito
514DVDTuning the Electronic Properties of Ternary TMD Alloys via Structural Modifications and Defects: A Combined SQS and DFT ApproachAlysson Alves Pinto
524DVEOne-step hydrothermal facile synthesis of cellulose-titanate-Ag membranes from sugar-cane bagasseDaniela Cristina Manfroi Rodrigues
534DVFGrowth of High-Quality CdTe on SOI (111) Substrates for Integrated DevicesWesley Fiorio Inoch
544DVGPhotoconductivity of Ag-functionalized ZnO/Pani hybrid heterojunctionsYina Julieth Onofre Ramirez
554DTNEvaluation of the Addition of Porphyrin on the Electrical Properties of the D18:Y6:PCBM Active Layer by c-AFM and KPFM TechniquesIsabela Custódio Mota
574DVKGrowth of High-Quality cubic MnTe on GaAs (001) by molecular beam epitaxyHudson Alfredo Cardoso Silva
584DVPGrowth and characterization of CdCl2-doped CdTe by hot wall epitaxy for future applications in solar cellsRafael Gomes Maia Fernandes
594DVQMicrofabrication of Integrated Cavities in Thin Film Lithium Niobate for Generating Entangled StatesJosé Rodrigo Blanco Peleteiro
604DVRInvestigation on the vibrational and electric properties of PbI2 2D crystalsTHIAGO SENIUK CARRARA
614DWWManipulation and excitation of semiconductor particles by means of optical tweezers experimentsTiago de Assis Moura
624DX2Magneto-optical properties and thermal stability of twisted moiré homobilayersAndreij C Gadelha
634DX4Efficient spin-to-charge conversion and charge transfer dynamics in graphene/WS2 heterostructuresJoaquim Bonfim Santos Mendes
644DXCStudy of multilayers Bernal and Rhombohedral graphene and its applications in biological systemsANA MELVA CHAMPI FARFAN
654DXDEffect of thickness on the RE-doped BiFeO3 multiferroic thin films for low-energy spintronic devicesEverton Bonturim
664DXEEffects of shear strain and external fields on α-T3nanoribbonsEmanoel Messias de Lima Barbosa
684DWFAir Stability and Optical Properties of Hafnium Diselenide (HfSe₂)Stefany P. Carvalho
69The Mott transition in the particle-hole asymmetric Hubbard modelLuan de Souza Silva