The 2nd International Pan American Light Sources for Agriculture (PALSA 2021) meeting will be held from 14 to 16 April, 2021 and preceded by the 2nd AgroEnviro Workshop on 12 and 13 April, 2021 as a satellite event. Promoted by the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) in Campinas, São Paulo-Brazil, the event will be hosted as a fully online meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The theme of PALSA 2021 is “Elucidating Dynamic Processes in Agricultural Systems Using Synchrotron Light”. Invited talks will showcase state-of-the-art synchrotron research aimed at measuring time-dependent physical, chemical and biological processes in soils, plants, the rhizosphere, animals and micro-organisms of relevance to agricultural systems. The conference will also include volunteered oral and poster presentations, as well as open discussions.
The AgroEnviro Workshop aims to enable both new and experienced users to develop impactful agricultural and environmental research projects that take advantage of the unique capabilities of the Sirius synchrotron. Presentations and demonstrations will highlight complementary capabilities of Sirius beamlines; preparation of proposals for beamtime; experimental design, sampling, and sample preparation for synchrotron experiments on soils and plants; and collection and processing of data from various synchrotron techniques.