- Plenary Lecture: Nobel Laureate Ada Yonath
Presentation: A prebiotic bonding entity is functioning in all living cells
- Dr. Eugenio Simoncini (INAF Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetry – Italia)
Presentation: Disequilibrium in planetary atmospheres: a new physical method coupled with new computational tools
- Dr. Laura Barge (NASA Astrobiology Institute / Jet Propulsion Laboratory – USA)
Presentation: Chemical Gardens, Geological Disequilibrium, and the Origin of Life
- Dr. Julyan Cartwright (IACT / CSIC – Spain)
Presentation: From chemical gardens to chemobrionics
- Dr. Terence P. Kee (University of Leeds – United Kingdom)
Presentation: Abiogenesis Simulations in Far-From-Equilibrium Geo Fuel-Cell Reactors
- Dr. Oliver Steinbock (Florida State University – USA)
Presentation: Nonequilibrium processes create complex geochemical structures – Formation, porosity, and catalytic activity of inorganic precipitation tubes
- Dr. José Fernando Fontanari (IFSC / USP) – Lattes
Presentation: Non-zero sum games in prebiotic evolution
- Dr. Hamilton Varela (IQSC – USP) – Lattes
Presentation: Coupled disparate time-scales in oscillating chemical reactions at surfaces
- Dr. Arnaldo Naves de Brito (Instituto de Física “Gleb Wataghin” / Unicamp) – Lattes
Presentation: Prebiotic evolution enlightened by synchrotron radiation
- Dr Tie Koide (Ribeirão Preto Medical School / University of São Paulo) – Lattes
Presentation: Evolutionary implications of non-coding RNAs inside coding mRNAs: insights from archaea, the third domain of life
- Dr. Richard John Ward (FFCLRP – USP) – Lattes
Presentation: Directed evolution of biologically functional polypeptides