ER2LS – SAU Online Test

Please use this form to submit your “test” beam line proposal to the ER2LS. This form has almost all the fields that you will find in the real SAU Online system. Here you will find the following fields:

  1. What is your experience with the technique? Which facilities have you used? (max 400 characters)
  2. Why does this proposal need Synchrotron Radiation? (max 400 characters)
  3. Abstract (max 5 lines)
  4. Is this a continuation of a previous proposal? (max 2500 characters)
  5. Scientific background (max 2500 characters)
  6. Expected results (max 2500 characters)
  7. Previous characterization (max 2500 characters)
  8. Experimental method (max 2500 characters)
  9. Experimental conditions (max 2500 characters)
  10. Allocated time requested (max 2500 characters)
  11. References (max 2500 characters)

We recommend you to use a text editor to write, save your proposal and check the number of characters of each field. Once you got it ready, just copy and paste your proposal here, field by field. If you need to send figures or tables, you can upload a .pdf file with 2 pages at maximum at the end of this form.

Remember the deadlines to ‘submit’ your proposal:

  • Aug, 18th 2023:  deadline for sending test proposal submissions;
  • Sep, 11th 2023: deadline for returning proposals with comments by LNLS team.