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- Monosodium glutamate;
- Organic acids: lactic, oxalic, citric, ribonucleic, others;
- Ethanol and other alcohols (methanol, propanol, butanol, others);
- Bioplastics.
- Combined heat and power systems (CHP): cogeneration;
- 2G ethanol and other Bioproducts;
- Pulp and paper and cardboard;
- Particle board;
- Polyethylene;
- Acetaldehyde and acetates;
- PVC;
- Others;
- Food and feed products from yeast;
- Use of vinasse: in nature (fertigation), biodigestion (biogas and energy), concentration (combustion, composting), fertilizers;
- Unusual feedstocks for co-products: boiler flyash, bagasse chars, cane wax, non-centrifugal sugars, others;
- Markets sizes, prices, business risks, labor qualification requirements;
- Easy routes: ethanol and electricity – upgrading existing sugar mills;
- Fusel oil refining;
- Lifecycle analysis for low carbon applications;
- Public policies to promote low carbon Bioproducts.
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