The LNLS Users Group (LNLSUG) was created as a decision of a LNLS Users Assembly that took place within the 29th Annual Users Meeting (RAU), Campinas, November 5-7 2019.
The purposes of the LNLSUG are to:
I. Provide a clear channel for the exchange of information and advice between the investigators who perform synchrotron light experiments at the LNLS and the management of this National Laboratory.
II. Provide a formal vehicle for LNLS users to transmit concerns and recommendations to the LNLS management regarding matters affecting the user community.
III. Serve as an advocacy group for the LNLS Facilities and its user community.
IV. Participate in the organization of the LNLS Annual Users Meeting (RAU).
V. Organize the distribution of prizes for synchrotron-related research performed at the LNLS facilities, subjected to fund availability.
VI. Form a communication network with LNLS users and potential users; disseminate science with synchrotron light.
Any LNLS user or potential user with an account in the LNLS proposal submission system (e.g., SAUOnline system) is eligible to become a member of the LNLSUG.
The Users Committee (UC) conducts the activities of the LNLSUG.
For more details, see “News“.