Registration Categories and Prices

Brazilian and Latin American affiliations

Registration Fees (BRL) Student Professional Deadline
Early registration BRL 300 BRL 550 May 15 May 25
Regular registration BRL 350 BRL 650 June 9
Conference dinner BRL 350 BRL 350 May 15

From other countries affiliations

Registration Fees (USD) Student  Professional
Early registration USD 300 USD 550 May 15 May 25
Regular registration USD 350 USD 650 June 9
Conference dinner USD 70 USD 70 May 15

Attention: the amount will be converted to Brazilian currency (Real) according to the USD exchange rate at the time of billing generation.

  • STUDENT: undergraduate, master, PhD, postdoc.
  • PROFESSIONAL: researchers, professors and others.

The VUVX 2023 will receive requests for financial support from students and young scientists with submitted abstracts, depending on the resources raised. Details will be provided soon.

  • With the support of Brazilian funding agencies, we offer special prices for participants from Brazilian and Latin American institutions to foster the participation of the local community.
  • Fees include: access to scientific sessions and exhibitions, a welcome refreshment, a visit to Sirius facilities, and a certificate of attendance
  • Due to exchange rate fluctuations, the payment deadline is 1 day after completing your registration. If you prefer to pay later, simply generate a new bill at any time in the system.
  • The available payment methods in the EventWeb system are credit cards and bank slips (only for Brazilians).

Generating Separate Bills on EventWeb System

Non-mandatory activities can be included in the same bill, during registration, or added later (“ADD/EDIT ACTIVITIES”). Bills with distinct amounts can be generated at the system.

For participants who need to request a refund, it is possible to generate separate bills through the system as follows:

  1. Complete the registration and do not include the conference dinner item.
  2. Complete the registration.
  3. Generate the bill with the registration fee amount only.
  4. Later, in the ”attendee page”, there is the ”ADD/EDIT ACTIVITIES” option to insert the conference dinner.
  5. Generate a new bill with the total amount, considering the registration fee and conference dinner items.

Payment Receiver

Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais – CNPEM
Address: Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10000, 13083-100, Campinas/SP – Brazil

Cancellation Policies 

  • Any changes and cancellations must be pre-notified in writing by email to
  • Registration fees will be refunded  80% of the amount paid for cancellations made before May 20th, 2023.
  • Refunds will be made by credit card or bank transfer, depending on the original payment method after the deduction of bank expenses and handling costs.
  • No refunds for cancellations made after May 20th 2023.

Tips for Abstract Submission

  • Accessing the VUVX 2023 Registration System

    Registrations and abstract submissions are done via the same system.


    First, create an account by choosing “sign up”  with a strong password. Once you have an account, choose “sign in” to log in at the system.

  • Register at VUVX 2023

    Registration fields collect your price category, personal, academic, and affiliation data.

    Note: you need to register first to be able to perform your abstract submission in the system.

  • Submit an abstract

    The abstract submission should be very intuitive, but here are some instructions to help optimize the process. The submission is divided into two steps. In the first step, enter the information regarding the abstract. In the second step, fill in the author´s information.

    1) Select the scientific area your abstract fits in:

    Instrumentation; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; Condensed Matter and Quantum Materials; Chemistry, Catalysis and Energy; Biology, Environment and Agriculture

    2) Select your presentation type of preference:

    Oral contributions or Poster

    2) Prepare your text in advance by following these limitations:

    • Title (maximum 250 characters with space)
    • Keywords (maximum three)
    • Body (maximum 1500 characters with space)
    • References (maximum 300 characters with space)
    • Acknowledgments (300 characters with space)

    3) If you have special characters use the provided tools at the top of the text box to fine-tune your text.

    4) Instruction about the image containing the graphical abstract.

    • The uploaded files are exclusively for a figure (.jpeg).
    • The image upload is not mandatory but strongly recommended for oral talks and poster contributors aiming to request the student’s financial support.
    • Be aware that one of the criteria used to select contributed talks is the existence and quality of the graphical abstract.

    Example of Graphical Abstract