
The aim of the Cateretê workshop is to present and discuss the new scientific perspectives offered at the Coherent Scattering beamline Cateretê, specifically X-ray imaging and time-resolved capabilities.

The Cateretê beamline at Sirius will be dedicated to coherent and time-resolved scattering experiments. It will provide cutting edge research tools that are non-existent today in Brasil, like 3D imaging with 10’s nanometer resolution, X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) to study dynamics and ultra-small angle X-ray scattering.

The workshop will consist of plenaries and talks with participation of international experts:

  • Professor Andrew Beale (University College London, UK)
  • Professor Oleg Shpyrko (University of California San Diego, Physics Departement, USA)

The Cateretê beamline is under construction at Sirius 4th generation synchrotron and is expected to be open to scientific community from 2020.

All participants are invited to propose contributions to talks or posters. This workshop will give participants the opportunity to interact with experts, discover the new scientific tools offered to the scientific community.

Visits to Sirius and Cateretê beamline will be organized.

Important Dates

Open registrations
October 1
Close registrations
December 9
Selection for poster/oral
from November 29
Cateretê Workshop 2020
January 22 and 23
  • A limited number of seats will be offered in a first come first served basis.
  • A few participants may be eligible to be granted with financial support, to be detailed soon. 
  • Abstract submission is mandatory to be eligible for financial support.

Abstract Book

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