08:50 | 09:00 | Opening the platform | |
09:00 | 09:10 | Welcome / Aim of the workshop | |
09:10 | 09:50 | Sirius program on Heterogeneous and Hierarchical Materials | |
09:50 | 10:30 | Opportunities of Synchrotron Light Sources for Sustainable Chemistry |
Prof. Dr. Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)– Germany |
10:30 | 10:40 | Official Photo and Short Break | |
10:40 | 11:20 | Incorporation of minor constituents into Portland Cement: assessment of Synchrotron | Dr. Sandro Marden Torres Universidade Federal da Paraíba – PB – Brazil |
11:20 | 11:35 | Oral communication 1 A New Strategy to Probe Local Atomic Structure of Highly Luminescent Rare Earth Complexes by XANES Simulation Using Machine Learning Based PyFitIt Approach |
Latif Ullah Khan |
11:35 | 11:50 | Oral communication 2 X-ray diffraction evidence of dynamic ferrite transformation during tensile tests of a microalloyed steel above Ae3 temperature |
Samuel Filgueiras Rodrigues |
11:50 | 12:00 | Short Break | |
12:00 | 12:40 | Dr. Vladimir Jesus Trava-Airoldi National Institute of Space Research (INPE) – SP – Brazil |
12:40 | 13:00 | Flash Talks
1 – Triplite, Mn2(PO4)F, composites as electrochemical energy materials |
1 – Ryan O’Connor
2 – Volodymyr Zaitsev 3 – Carlos Andres Ortiz Bravo 4 – Diego Sarmento Duncan Lima 5 – Mathias Strauss 6 – Antonio Teofanes Bertollo de Oliveira 7 – Tatiana Zanette |
13:00 | 13:10 | Closing remarks |
08:55 | 09:00 | Opening the platform | |
09:00 | 09:40 | Synchrotron X-ray techniques as a tool to investigate and design new materials for hydrogen storage | Dr. Guilherme Zepon Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) – DEMA- Brazil |
09:40 | 09:50 | Short Break | |
09:50 | 10:30 | Multiferroic Magnetoelectric Materials: Synthesis and Properties | Dr. Fábio Luis Zabotto Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) – CCET – Brazil |
10:30 | 10:40 | Short Break | |
10:40 | 10:55 | Oral communication 3 Operando Chemical Imaging: cell development and Li-O2 battery characterization |
Chayene Goncalves Anchieta |
10:55 | 11:10 | Oral communication 4 X-ray beam damage in hybrid organic-inorganic lead halide perovskites |
Rodrigo Szostak |
11:10 | 11:25 | Oral communication 5 Presenting a new class of naturally abundant layered materials: Phyllosilicates |
Raphaela de Oliveira |
11:25 | 11:30 | Short Break | |
11:30 | 11:50 | Flash Talks
1 – Partial Oxidation of Methane over Nickel suported on MgO-ZrO2 solid solutions (XPS and in situ XRD characterization) |
1 – Yvan Jesus Olortiga Asencios
2 – Ernst Heznz Hechter 3 – Maria Gabriella Detone Guaita 4 – Paulo Ricardo de Matos 5 – Augusto Henrique Piva 6 – Raul Costa de Oliveira 7 – Thales C. Felipe |
11:50 | 12:00 | Short Break | |
12:00 | 12:40 | Abstract Synchrotron techniques: the Holy Grail tool to solve the puzzle of Hierarchical Nanoporous Structures | Dr. Galo Soler-Illia Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Argentina |
12:40 | 13:00 | Flash Talks
1 – Multi-functional Ionic Liquid Crystal as Additive for Li-O2 Batterie |
1 – Letícia Maria Sampaio Barros
2 – Carlos Eduardo Maduro de Campos 3 – Carolina Michelon Camarda 4 – María Dolores Morales 5 – Marlon Muniz da Silva 6 – Valmor R Mastelaro |
13:00 | 13:10 | Discussions and closing |