Fabio Luis Zabotto is professor at the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. He obtained his Ph.D. in Physics from the Federal University of São Carlos (2010). After a postdoc at UFSCar, he joined as an assistant professor at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro. In 2014, he moved to the Federal University of São Carlos. His activities have been related to the Experimental Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science areas, emphasizing Dielectric Ceramics and Multiferroic Materials. He works mainly on the following topics: Development of new magnetoelectric composites; growth studies and characterization of thin films, especially nanostructured ferroic materials and heterostructures; and magnetoelectric properties in composite and nanostructured materials.
Invited Speakers
Galo Soler Illia
Galo Soler Illia studied Chemistry (MSc and PhD) at Buenos Aires University and completed a postdoc at University Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris. At present, he is a CONICET Superior Researcher and Founder Director of Instituto de Nanosistemas (National University of San Martín). He is also Full Member of the National Academy of Exact and Natural Sciences of Argentina (Nanotechnology chair). He is Associate Professor at the School of Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, he teaches at UNSAM graduate courses and has been guest professor at Paris VI, University of Osaka Prefecture and the University of Melbourne. He is member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Chemistry of Materials (ACS), Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (Springer) and Chemical Science (RSC). He has been elected Honorary Member of Centro Argentino de Ingenieros and Fellow of the International Sol-Gel Society.
He has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals and books, received more than 14.000 citations (h=51); filed five patents and made more than 100 presentations in conferences. He has supervised 14 PhD thesis, more than 20 postdocs and 8 CONICET researchers, and has coordinated numerous national and international projects with academic and industrial partners.
Besides, he has contributed to science outreach by publishing three books and as a science specialist in radio and National TV shows. He received several national awards, including two Houssay Prizes (2006, 2009), Deulofeu (2006), Ranwell Caputto (2011), Jares (2012), Giordano (2013), Konex Platinum Award (2013) and Bunge & Born Award (2022). In 2016, he was part of the team that won the INNOVAR Great Prize, granted by the National Ministry of Science and Technology.
His research work is focused in the designed production of new nanosystems with intelligent architectures and custom properties using chemical methods inspired by Nature, with applications in health, environment and renewable energies. He recently co-founded a technological-based company, Hybridon, dedicated to nanostructured antibacterial treatments.
Guilherme Zepon
Guilherme Zepon is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Materials Engineering of the Federal University of São Carlos (DEMa-UFSCar) in Brazil since 2016. GZ is one of the leaders of the Hydrogen Storage in Metallic Materials Research Group of DEMa-UFSCar. His research focuses on the development of new and optimized metallic alloys through computational and experimental methods, including advanced structural characterization techniques.
Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt studied chemistry at the University of Hamburg and at Newcastle upon Tyne (GB). After completing his PhD at ETH Zurich, he joined in 1998 Haldor Topsøe A/S as project leader in synchrotron radiation and applied catalysis, before moving back to academia in 2001 at ETH Zurich. In 2008, he became full professor of Chemical Engineering and Catalysis at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). In 2010, he was appointed Professor of Chemical Technology and Catalysis at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and is is member of the board of directors at the Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology.
His interest is in heterogeneous catalysis, sustainable chemistry, emission control, and synchrotron radiation for understanding catalysts at work. He is/has been active in various boards at the German, European and International Catalysis Societies, at synchrotron radiation sources (PETRA, BESSY, ESRF, SLS), and the German Committee for Research with Synchrotron Radiation.
He is adj. Professor at DTU/Denmark and has been visiting professor at the University of Padua. Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt is author of more than 400 publications, and has received several awards, for example, the Jochen Block Award (DECHEMA) and the Dale Sayers Award (International XAFS Society).
Vladimir Jesus Trava-Airo
Bachelor in Physics from the University of São Paulo-USP (1978), Master’s (1982) and Doctorate (1986) in Molecular Physics from ITA. Post-doc-Nasa and Caltech (1989/1990)/USA. Author of around 250 scientific publications, author of 15 patents, 6 of which have already been granted, more than 500 presentations at conferences, including 40 invited lectures, 8 scientific awards, the Governador Mario Covas Award for the best invention (1998), the innovative inventor award offered by FINEP (2011), award for the best invention in the world offered by WIPO (World Intelligence Properties Organization) (2011). Coordinator of INPE’s DIMARE project, Principal Founder of the Company CVD Vale Ltda, and two others. Specialist in Molecular Physics and new carbon materials, especially in the area of Diamond-CVD and its related materials, Plasma Physics, Technology Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. It has trained more than 80 students in Scientific Initiation, Master’s, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral programs. He conducted 11 major research projects at INPE and at Empresa CVD Vale, from which the process of technology transfer in carbon materials was carried out for the first time. Speaker in the area of Entrepreneurship with Innovation.