About the event


The 5th School on X-Ray Spectroscopy Methods will be held at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, between August 22nd and 23rd, 2016, just before the LNLS Annual User’s Meeting (RAU), as a satellite event. This school will focus on the fundamentals of x-ray spectroscopy methods, data analysis and its applications. This year will be more focused on Soft X-rays.

The school will include plenary lectures about the theoretical and experimental aspects of  x-ray spectroscopy, followed by parallel sessions of advanced lectures and tutorials on data analysis and examples of applications in different fields related with Soft X-ray Spectroscopy. The number of attendees of this parallel sessions will be limited to 30 participants under selection. The list of selected applicants will be available here on the website in the first weeks of August. The presentations will be in English and/or Portuguese languages.

Plenary lectures will be held at the LNLS Ring Auditorium and will be open to general public up to the maximum occupancy of a room under inscription (100 places). Parallel Sessions will be held on three different rooms: LNLS Auditorium and Room Dir 211 on the second floor of the LNLS’s building, and LNNano Auditorium.

As the school will include a hands-on tutorial, selected attendants are encouraged to bring their own laptop and install preferably the DEMETER or the IFEFFIT (last version) package for Parallel Session A, for other Sessions we will give detailed instructions later. See all instructions here. The participants can subscribe only to the school but we strongly recommend participants to register to the Users’ Meeting as well. Those participants willing to present a poster should submit the abstract to that meeting. We will be organize an open Poster Session with the participants of the school and encourage them to discuss their results with specialist and attendees.

Important dates

May 5th, 2016 Opening of application period
May 15th, 2016 Deadline for Grant application
June 3rd, 2016 Deadline for applications
August 8th, 2016 Releasing of selected applicants
August 22nd, 2016 First day of activities
August 23rd, 2016 Last day of activities