VII Proteomics Workshop

Support by FAPESP


The VII Proteomics Workshop will be held by the Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory (LNBio) at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEMCampus in Campinas-SP from 8th to 9th November 2016.

The event is focused on highlighting the recent developments and state-of-the-art of Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics. It will be divided in two-day workshop and a variety of lecturers will cover a diverse array of applications and it will be informal with time for discussion and questions.

This meeting represents a training opportunity for current and future users of the LNBio´s Mass Spectrometry Facilitiy and for researchers in the area of proteomics and mass spectrometry. It also promotes the exchange of scientific information, as well as it incentives the formation of new research groups in these thematic areas.

Following the example of the previous editions, held in the last six years, the workshop also promote the exchange of new technologies, the closer relationship between Brazilian and international researchers and dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community.

The VII Proteomics Workshop registration fee is mandatory for all participants. The registration fee includes all lectures, poster session, conference materials, coffee breaks and lunches on 8th and 9th November.

Details about the registration and the payment procedures are available on “Information for participants“. 

VII Proteomics Workshop Deadlines
Applications From September 12th to October 10th*
Releasing of confirmed applicants October 14th
Waiting list call October 20th
Workshop From 8th to 9th November
*Applications will be closed before October 10th if we receive 110 participants before this date

The attendees of the VII Proteomics Workshop are invited to apply to the “Integrated analysis of shotgun proteomic data with PatternLab for proteomics 4.0”course. This event will be held from November 10th to 11th, as a satellite event of the Proteomics Workshop. If you are interested in this initiative should fill the VII Proteomics Workshop registration form, available on the application page. Detailed information about the satellite event is available here.




8th November 2016 |  Tutorial Lectures

9:00-9:30 WelcomeDr. Kleber Franchini,
LNBio Director
9:40-10:10 Top-Down ProteomicsLjiljana Pasa Tolic,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
10:20-10:50 Membrane Proteomics: Surface Markers & Horizontal SignallingThomas Kislinger,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
11:00-11:30 Coffee break  
11:40-12:10 Proteomic analysis of biotechnological targets: focus on castor oil seedsFabio Nogueira,
UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro
12:20-12:50 Peptidomics of Acanthoscurria gomesiana spider venom reveals new toxins with potential antimicrobial activityAlexandre Tashima,
UNIFESP, São Paulo
1:00-2:30 Lunch
2:30-3:00 Social Network Architecture of Human Immune Cells defined by Quantitative ProteomicsFelix Meissner,
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Munich, Germany
3:10-3:40  MSstatsQC: Longitudinal system suitability monitoring tools for LC MS/MS proteomic experimentsEralp DOGU,
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
3:50-4:00 Partnership Presentation
IonKey MS: Increasing Sensitivity and Simplicity with Microscale UPLC
Alexandre Gomes
Waters Technologies
 4:10-4:40 Quantification Strategies for Proteins containing Posttranslational ModificationsBirgit Schilling,
San Francisco State University, Novato, CA, USA
 4:50-5:50 Poster Session & Coffee break
6:00-7:00  Welcome cocktail

9th November, 2016 | Advanced Lectures

9:00-9:30 Top-Down ProteomicsLjiljana Pasa Tollic,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
9:40-10:10 Membrane Proteomics: Surface Markers & Horizontal SignallingThomas Kislinger,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
10:20-10:50  Coffee break
11:00-11:30 Quantification Strategies for Proteins containing Posttranslational ModificationsBirgit Schilling,
San Francisco State University, Novato, CA, USA
11:40-12:10 PatternLab for proteomics 4.0: A one-stop shop for analyzing shotgun proteomic dataPaulo Carvalho,
Fiocruz, Curitiba


12:20-12:50  Poster session
1:00-2:30 Lunch
2:30-3:00 The Brazilian Initiative on Precision Medicine – BIPMedBenilton Carvalho,
UNICAMP, Campinas


3:10-3:20  Partnership Presentation
What’s going on with the Fusion?
Gabriel Duarte
Thermo Fisher
3:30-4:00  Coffee Break
 4:10-4:40 MSstatsQC: Longitudinal system suitability monitoring tools for LC MS/MS proteomic experimentsEralp DOGU,
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
4:50-5:20 Social Network Architecture of Human Immune Cells defined by Quantitative ProteomicsFelix Meissner,
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Munich, Germany
5:30-5:40  Closing Remarks


Alexandre Tashima
UNIFESP, São Paulo, Brazil

Benilton Carvalho
UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil

Birgit Schilling
Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, California, USA

Eralp DOGU
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA

Fabio Nogueira
UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Felix Meissner
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Munich, Germany

Ljiljana Pasa Tollic
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA

Paulo Carvalho
Fiocruz, Curitiba, Brazil 

Reinhold Vern
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA

Thomas Kislinger
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Information for participants

How to apply

  • The applicant should fill the registration form that is available on the application page;
  • The applicant that has fellowship must submit an abstract to present the research subject or results during the poster sessions;
  • The registration period is from September 12th to October 10th. Applications will be closed before October 10th if we receive 110 participants before this date;
  • After submitting the application form, all the applicants will receive an e-mail with the banking information to proceed with the wire transfer. This procedure must be done within two days after the application submission otherwise, the registration will be canceled. Those participants that will attend the Satellite Event on November 10th and 11th must pay both events registration fees at the same time;
  • The VII Proteomics Workshop registration fee is mandatory for all participants:

Undergraduate students; Technicians, Masters, PhD…….…..R$ 110,00

Post-doc in progress, post-doc degree and professionals……R$ 200,00

Satellite Event (Nov 10th and 11th)…………………………………..R$ 100,00

  • After the registration and the payment procedures, the applicants must send the payment proof to within two days after the application submission;
  • Once the payment is done and the Organizing Committee had received your payment proof your registration is confirmed.
  • On October 14th, the  confirmed applicants  list will be published on this website;

General Information

  • The lectures are going to be held in the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory Auditorium;
  • The registration fee includes all lectures, poster session, conference materials, coffee breaks and lunches on 8th and 9th November.
  • There is no grant to transport and accommodation;
  • The Workshops official language is English;
  • The Workshop certificates are going to be available after the last talk.
  • Workshop contact:
  • Visit the Mass Spectrometry Facility website:

Satellite Event

  • The attendees of the VII Proteomics Workshop are invited to apply to the “Integrated analysis of shotgun proteomic data with PatternLab for proteomics 4.0”course. Detailed information about the satellite event is available here;
  • This event will be held from November 10th to 11th, as a satellite event of the Proteomics Workshop;
  • If you are interested in this initiative you should fill the VII Proteomics Workshop registration form, available on the application page;
  • Those participants that will attend the Satellite Event must pay both events registration fees at the same time, within two day after submitting the application form;
  • The Sattelite Course registration fee is R$100,00 for all categories.

Events Location

CNPEM – Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials
Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10000
Pólo II de Alta Tecnologia de Campinas
Campinas – SP – Brazil
Phone: +55 19 3512-1267
Google Maps

Accepted Applicants

ATTENTION: If you had submitted your application form and your name is not in the list, contact the Local Committee if you want to be part of the event.

Amanda Cristina Baldassi
Amanda Morato do Canto
Amanda Ribeiro Martins da Silva
Ana Karina de Oliveira
André Zelanis
Andressa Bruscato
Ariane F. Busso Lopes
Barbara Henning Silva
Carolina Alves Nicolau
Carolina Moretto Carnielli
Catia Lie Yokoyama
César Rivera
Clarice Izumi
Cláudio Rodrigues Rezende Costa
Daiani M Vargas
Daniel Martins-de-Souza
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Daniela Luz Ambrosio Breisch
Daniella Gorete Lourenço de Oliveira
Dayene Talita Delgado de Oliveira
Diogo Borges Lima
Edileuza D. da Silva
Edleusa Marques Lima Batista
Edson Galdino do Nascimento Filho
Elisa Castaneda Santa Cruz
Eveline Soares Menezes
Fabiano Jares Contesini
Fabio Mitsuo Lima
Felipe Augusto Dorr
Fernanda Cristina Bergamo Alves
Fernanda J. Cabral
Flavia Vischi Winck
Flavia Zandonadi
Flavio de Oliveira Lima
Florence Polegato Castelan
Francisca Nathália de Luna Vitorino
Gabriell Bonifácio Borgato
Giselle Villa Flor Brunoro
Graziella Eliza Ronsein
Greiciely André de Oliveira
Guilherme P. Telles
Hélen Julie Laure
Helena P G Joaquim
Henrique Pellin Biasoto
Henry Heberle
Isadora Ferraz Semionatto
Jamille Santos da Silva
Joaquim Teixeira de Avelar Júnior
Jonathas Pereira das Graças
Jorge Hernandez Fernandez
Jose Cesar Rosa
José Eduardo Peixoto Santos
Kamila de Sousa Gomes
Katia da Conceição
Leticia Gomes de Pontes
Licia Carla da Silva Costa
Lina M Marín
Luis Fernando Sierra de Araújo
Marcia Soares Vidal
Maria Jose da Silva Fernandes
Maria Priscila F. Lacerda
Mariana Albano
Mariana Leite Tamascia
Marina V Navarro
Marisol Miranda Galvis
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Monique Ramos de Oliveira Trugilho
Muhammad Nawaz
Natalia Carolina Moraes Ehrhardt Brocardo
Pamella Araujo Malagrino
Paulo Cesar Gomes
Priscila Robertina dos Santos Donado
Rebeca Kawahara
Romenia Ramos Domingues
Rosineide Costa Simas
Rute Alves Pereira e Costa
Sami Yokoo
Sergio Luiz de Almeida Rochelle
Tanes Imamura de Lima
Tatiane De Rossi
Thaís Glatthardt da Silva dos Santos
Thaisy Eliza Pacheco dos Santos
Thiago Belchior
Thomas M Halder
Vitor Marcel Faça
Weliton Pedro Batiston

Guidelines for Posters Session

  • All posters will be set-up on November 8th at 9:00am. They will be removed on November 9th at 7:00pm;
  • Design as portrait posters at dimension: 90 x 120 cm (width x height); with a standard channel finishes;
  • Poster should be written in English and the poster content must be related to the abstract submitted;
  • There will be hangers to hang your poster;
  • Each author will be provided one board to hang the poster;
  • The boards will be numbered. To identify the correct board, the authors must check their abstracts numbers, which will be available soon on the “Book of abstracts”.

Abstract Book

Click on the image  to open the complete PDF

Satellite Event

fiocruzThe attendees of the VII Proteomics Workshop are invited to apply to the “Integrated analysis of shotgun proteomic data with PatternLab for proteomics 4.0” course. This event will be held from November 10th and 11th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm, as a satellite event of the Proteomics Workshop.

The participants of the satellite event must bring to the course their personal computers with Windows Operating System.

In this course we will learn how to perform protein identification and quantitative proteomics through XIC, spectral counting, and isobaric markers (e.g., TMT / iTRAQ).  For this, we will use PatternLab for Proteomics 4.0 (PL), an integrated computational environment for analyzing shotgun proteomic data.  PL contains modules for formatting sequence databases, performing peptide spectrum matching, statistically filtering and organizing shotgun proteomic data, extracting quantitative information from label-free and chemically labeled data, performing statistics for differential proteomics, displaying results in a variety of graphical formats, performing similarity-driven studies with de novo sequencing data, analyzing time-course experiments, and helping with the understanding of the biological significance of data in the light of the Gene Ontology. PL closely knits together all these modules in a self-contained environment, covering the principal aspects of proteomic data analysis as freely available and easily installable software (

PatternLab is user-friendly, simple and provides a graphical user interface.

For more information, click here.




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