V IBSB: Chalmers and LNBR workshop on sustainable bio-based circular economy

V IBSB: Chalmers and LNBR workshop on sustainable bio-based circular economy
January 23rd, 2024

The fifth edition of the IBSB: Chalmers and LNBR cooperation on circular bioeconomy will gather researchers from Brazil and Sweden to discuss how SynBio and Biocatalysis can contribute to developing a circular and sustainable bioeconomy. Both parties perform research in the enzymatic deconstruction of biomass and the development of microbial cell factories for the bioproduction of valuable chemicals and fuels. They can, therefore, easily communicate around research questions and implementation of results. However, the network partners act in different contexts and have a lot to learn from each other, both in terms of research and regional policies for outreach and commercialization of key results. This workshop is part of a collaborative network between researchers at LNBR and Chalmers University of Technology, who both have a broad competence in industrial biotechnology and SynBio. The V IBSB will be the first step to consolidate this network and foster new collaborations between researchers from Brazil and Sweden.

Important dates

Activity Date
Registration open 21/November/2023
Registration close 22/December/2023 (extended)
Confirmation of registrations 8/January/2024
IBSB: Chalmers and LNBR cooperation on circular bioeconomy 23/January/2024 


Presentation/Activity Speaker Time
Welcome 09:00 – 09:05
Opening Session Eduardo Couto 09:05 – 09:15
José Roque 09:15 – 09:25
Microbial robustness in bioprocesses Lisbeth Olsson  09:25 – 09:50
Customized biotechnological routes to convert agroindustrial residues into value-added chemicals Mario Tyago Murakami 09:50 – 10:15
Microbial decomposition of tree bark  Johan Larsbrink  10:15 – 10:40
Coffee-break 10:40 – 11:10
Oxidative decarboxylation of fatty acids into sustainable hydrocarbons Leticia Maria Zanphorlin Murakami  11:10 – 11:35
Local high cell density and multi-feed SSCF operation for robust 2G bioethanol production Carl Johan Franzén  11:35 – 12:00
Sustainability Assessment for Development of Innovative Biotechnological Processes Tassia Lopes Junqueira 12:00 – 12:25
Lunch 12:25 – 14:00
Deciphering the Biochemical Routes of Lignin-Derived Aromatics in a Xanthomonas Phytopathogen Priscila Oliveira de Giuseppe  14:00 – 14:25
Advancing lignocellulosic biotransformation: Development of a microbial platform for 2G ethanol production and beyond Nádia Maria Sampaio 14:25 – 14:50
Non-conventional yeasts for biotechnological applications Cecilia Geijer   14:50 – 15:15
An atomistic view of glycoprocessing enzymes mechanisms Mariana Morais  15:15 – 15:40
Coffee break 15:40 – 16:00
Round Table on challenges in Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Brazil and Sweeden 16:00 – 17:00
Closing remarks 17:00